
The Blogosphere Goes Into The Stratosphere

Technorati weblog tracks "The State of the Blogosphere." Their August posting offers some startling data regarding the size and rate of growth of the web log world.

In March Technorati was tracking 7 million blogs. As of the end of July they were tracking 14.2 million blogs which means that their tracking nearly doubled in five months. They also report that the blogosphere continues to double about every 5.5 months.

They state that they are tracking 80,000 weblogs newly created every day - and that a new weblog is being created every second.

But here is the downside: only about 13% of all blogs are updated at least weekly. Also, about 55% of all blogs are active.

This is a pattern that we see in newsletters and enewsletters. People start them but then can't find the time, or can't come up with the material, to keep them going. Which is the reason we are in business. When a blog or an enewsletter is being produced by a professional in the business, they get done in a timely fashion.

Prescott "Pete" Lustig
Senior Marketing Strategist


Nothing To Do With eNewsletters, All To Do With Zippers.

I came across this occurrence in the course of regular business day. If you are wearing jeans right now or almost anything that has a zipper on it, please take a moment to read what the zipper tab (piece that you use to pull on) say on it. More likely than not, it says YKK on it. Ever wondered why? Neither did I , until I came across

Hope you enjoyed the “hey look at that!” moment.

Marcos J. Menendez


How To You Get Your eNewsletter Done Faster

I came across this article by Janet Attard a small business author, speaker and founder of small business help desk known as
Business Know-How ® and thought that it might be helpful to those producing their own eNewsletters.

I know that at times getting the issues out the door can be a battle.

Five Ways To Speed Up Newsletter Production by Janet Attard

Marcos J. Menendez
Emi: People Buy From People They Like. Does Your Business Have A Personable Image?

Enewsletter Marketing Insight- August 2005

In this issue: Uncle Ray made me think about the importance of personalizing your company. Who is Uncle Ray? You may be surprised when you find out. Read on...Complete article...

Marcos J. Menendez


Mistakes People Make II

Continuing the list of mistakes people make with enewsletters:

  • Publishing a novel: An enewsletter is best done as a quick read. Yet many do yard-long letters that few will read to the end.
  • Overdoing acronyms: This has been the bane of the Internet scene. ASAP. WYSIWYG, WI-FI -- it goes on ad nauseum and many people just don't understand them.
  • Broken promises: Such as, "We'll tell you more about this in the next issue (and it doesn't happen). Or, "Send us an email and we will get right back to you (maybe next week?)
  • Failure to document: Such as, "Our product is 200% more effective than competitors (who says so - and who are they?)

Do you have anything to add to this list. Feel free to step up and do it.

Prescott "Pete" Lustig

Senior Marketing Strategist
