
Use eNewsletters To Reach Late Life Audiences?

Many think that the older people in our population are not into computer use. But this notion needs rebuttal. These people are taking to computers to be able to have email. They know that their children are heavily into emal. So, they find that they get quicker response to the messages they send than if they had sent snail mail. In fact, many children are buying computers for their parents and grandparents so they can have the convenience of email.

So, what does this mean to marketers? It means that enewsletters are a medium that can effectively be used to reach late life audiences. And why would marketers want to reach late lifers? We are aware the there is a marketing mindset that focuses on young families. Yet, here are these seniors who buy expensive vacation packages, who are into investing, who have health needs that require special medications and foods. Furthermore this is a consuming group that has a higher level of financial stability. Those receiving pension payments and social security have money to spend, even when the economy is in a downswing.

And, if they are using computers for email, how long will take them to begin to buy products and services on line?

So, apply some creativity to your marketing and think about using enewsletter campaigns to reach this growing market.

Prescott "Pete" Lustig
Senior Marketing Strategist


How To Add Point Of Sale Marketing To Your eNewsletter

Enewsletter Marketing Insight (Emi) - May 2006 issue.

In this issue: I bet I pay more for a tank of gas than you do. Point of Sale Marketing at the pump and in your eNewsletter. Complete article.

Marcos J. Menendez


How much should you pay for an eNewsletter?

When we are talking to prospective clients for newsletters there always comes the moment of truth - when the prospect finds out what the program will cost. It is not unusual that they question the price.

Behind this is the perception that it is simple to design, write and send out the letters. But that is simply not the case.

The services that are required to publish the enewsletters are, for the most part, invisible to those who do not have an enewsletter program. The work that is required to create and publish the letter, then report out results includes the following:

  • Researching the client's objectives and what is required so the letters will get the client the desired result.
  • Obtaining the client's mailing list and servicing it.
  • Designing the format of the letter.
  • Acquiring information that will become the content of the letter.
  • Writing the text and creating or obtaining graphics.
  • Melding text and graphics to create the letter.
  • Testing to be sure the letters can be read in all formats.
  • Testing to assure that it complies with the no-spam laws.
  • Submitting the letter to the client for approval.
  • Making changes as needed.
  • Posting the letters.
  • Tracking the results.
  • Preparing a report for the client of the results.
  • Meeting with the client to formulate changes in the letter that will enhance performance.
  • Applying these changes.

There is more but this is a picture of what has to happen for the letter to be published and successful.

But again, why is the price justified?

We always suggest that they take a look at what their paper newsletters, sent by email, are costing. Elements of the costs are time spent designing and writing the letters, printing costs, postage costs, list management, mailing house fees. Then there are hidden costs including storage of supplies and past issues.

The postage costs alone are daunting and they keep going up.

And when all those numbers are totalled, there is the question of what did the clients get for their money? Do they know how many letters were opened? Do they have a reading on what elements of the letter are attracting the most interest. Do they know how many of the addresses are bad?

The answer to all of these questions is "NO."

So, we are ready to bet that enewsletters will prove out to offer better value - and better results.

Prescott "Pete" Lustig

Senior Marketing Strategist
